By Matthew McCully – The car fire in the Lennoxville Provigo parking lot on Friday, May 31 had the town buzzing. A number of concerns were raised on social media following the incident. The Record contacted Provigo owner Robert Lafond to address some of the issues raised. “I was gone on my lunch break,” Lafond said. He, like many locals, saw a video on Facebook and realized what was happening in his parking lot. According to Lafond, when employees became aware of the fire, they called 911 and made a judgment call to try and keep customers inside the store while waiting for the fire department. “You never know what could happen with a car,” Lafond said, believing his staff made the right decision. “You don’t know, someone could have a gas can in their trunk,” he pointed out. See full story in the Thursday, June 6 edition of The Record.
Provigo snuffs out fire rumours