Pumpkin and harvest festival draws a crowd

Pumpkin and harvest festival draws a crowd

By Matthew McCully


The winner of this year’s giant pumpkin contest was Steve Young, who entered a whopper weighing in at 1,110lbs.

But the weather almost stole the show.

It felt like the middle of summer on Sunday afternoon in Lennoxville.

If it weren’t for the giant pumpkins lined up in the parking lot behind Amédée-Beaudoin community centre and all the harvested produce for sale along Samuel-Gratham, fall would have seemed months away.

The centre of town was buzzing with activity with harvest fest activities, and locals also got the chance to make old things new again thanks to a repair clinic set up in Square Queen just beside the festival. Bikes, electronics, radios, torn fabrics and home appliances got some TLC from tech and tinkering wizards.

There was a steady flow of traffic through town as locals and visitors took in the events and caught up on the sun that was missed during an extraordinarily rainy summer in the Townships.

And now for the pumpkins.

This year 14 giant pumpkins were entered into the competition.

Lennoxville Borough President Claude Charron played MC as Mike MacDonald, Steve Young and other helpers got each entry secured with straps and rope to be lifted and weighed.

And of course, they kept spectators in suspense, waiting till the very end to weigh the largest pumpkins.

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