By Michael Boriero – Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Tracy Wing is inching closer to discovering more details surrounding her 17-year-old son’s sudden death during a police intervention three years ago, after she revealed there will be a public coroner’s inquest later this year.
“I do feel validated in the fact that I had so many questions that I felt were unanswered and the coroner feels the same,” said Wing.
Her son, Riley Fairholm, was suffering a mental health crisis. He was carrying an air gun, walking in the street in Lac-Brome on the night of July 25, 2018, when he was confronted by Sûreté du Québec (SQ) police officers. The encounter lasted 60 seconds, according to Wing.
But the way it played out remains shrouded in mystery. Wing has long felt like she has been kept in the dark about how everything unfolded that night. She has jumped through hoops for years trying to nail down the details. A coroner’s inquest is one of her last options.