RECYC-QUÉBEC has recently published its mid-term report on seven pilot projects that began last summer. According to a press release issued on Monday, this interim report has also been submitted to the consortium of beverage producers and retailers at the heart of these projects.
“I would like to thank the citizens, retailers, beverage producers and municipalities of Quebec who have contributed to this important step towards a modern and expanded deposit system,” said Environment Minister Benoit Charette.
The organization responsible for the province’s management of residual materials noted the pilot projects, which were supposed to conclude at the end of January, will be extended until March 31, 2022. This move will allow further equipment testing during the winter period.
The provincial government will use the new date to prepare the transition to a modernized system. RECYC-QUÉBEC has already invested $1.3 million to set up the pilot projects. The organization is giving another $175,000 for the extension of the pilot projects.
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