Permanent generator installed after generous donation from former camper
By William Crooks
Local Journalism Initiative
Local summer camp and nature education mainstay Quebec Lodge (QL) installed a new permanent generator April 12. The project was funded by Nils Bodtker, a former QL camper and whom after which QL’s new lodge is named. Bodtker was also instrumental in getting the camp restarted after it shut down nearly 20 years ago.
“With climate change we’re having more severe storms,” explained QL Director Brian Wharry in an interview with the Record April 17. “The power is going off regularly,” he added. Without power, the camp has no water or septic system.
Some two years ago, QL installed infrastructure to support running its lodge at a bare minimum level off a portable generator. QL would either rent one or borrow one from a nearby supporter. Word about the situation got back to Bodtker who insisted on installing something more permanent.
Loss of power at camp does not affect the campers’ experience much, Wharry said, but it creates a lot more work behind the scenes for QL staff. Cooking must be done on portable propane stoves and water must be carried up from the nearby stream. Potable water must be purchased.
The contract for the new generator was signed last November and its installation was completed April 12, but it is not yet in service. The generator runs on propane. This will allow a future upgrade of QL’s kitchen stoves from electric to propane. Propane stoves are much more efficient, Wharry said.