Record Staff
The pesticide sales report for 2019 is now available on the government of Quebec website.
Quebec is the only province in Canada to publish a detailed report of all the pesticides sold in a given year.
The data presented follows the evolution of pesticide sales since 1992 as well as the evolution of risk indicators.
This year’s report incorporates several new features. For each pesticide with a justifiable use (covered by the agronomic justification), a summary sheet provides a description of the product, its toxicity and its sales at the provincial and regional levels. This is the first year that regional sales of all pesticides covered by the agronomic justification are included in the report.
Also new this year are details on the biopesticides used by sector, a compilation of sales of certain seeds to estimate the areas sown with neonicotinoids, and maps showing the watersheds where atrazine sales were the highest.