Record Staff
The Quebec Superior Court rendered a decision Monday morning, siding with teachers’ unions and dismissing a motion for an injunction sought by English-language school boards and French service centres to halt a strike plan this week.
The innovative strike, scheduled for Wednesday, April 14 from midnight until 9:30 a.m. will continue as planned.
The FSE-CSQ and QPAT unions had served legal notice that they would exercise their right to strike on the morning of April 14, cutting into the beginning of the school day.
English-language school boards and French service centres concerned went to the Superior Court to seek an interim, interlocutory and permanent injunction to prevent the unique strike plan, a previously unheard-of pressure tactic in education.
According to a press release from the Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE-CSQ) and the Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (QPAT), the employers argued that such short-term strikes would cause excessive administrative disruption.