Rally good time

Rally good time

Car rally held at Lennoxville’s ‘The Hut’


By William Crooks

Local Journalism Initiative


A car rally, a competitive event involving following a route through the Townships and answering questions about your travels, was held Oct. 1 out of Lennoxville’s ANAF Unit 318 (The Hut). The Record attended for the prize presentations and spoke with organizer Kevin MacIver for details on the affair.

“I’m the chairman of the sports committee [for The Hut],” MacIver began, so he was responsible for putting the rally together. It has been going for over 60 years, he noted, and always takes place around this time of year.

“We had 60 people and 26 cars [this year],” he continued. Participants left in their cars from The Hut starting at 9:15 a.m., one at a time, at intervals of six minutes. Every team is given a sheet of questions that “participants are challenged to provide answers to”, which is how a winner is judged at the end of it all. There is a mileage element, too, he went on, wherein teams are penalized if they get lost and travel more than needed.

Weeks before the rally, a route is scouted out and the questions are put together; The Hut puts up a signup sheet with varying times that people can choose, first come, first serve. The latest you can leave is noon, he explained. “It’s a lot of fun.”

MacIver emphasized that a typical fundraiser at The Hut raises money for the unit, but the rally is an activity they put on for everybody to enjoy. It is not so much a day to make a profit; the money goes to the winners. The event takes a full day and there was a $10 per person spaghetti dinner at its end.

This year’s winners were the team of Bob Bowen, Gary Smith and Sam Hadley.

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