The President of the Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon, a charitable group which seeks to eliminate poverty by supporting educational initiatives across the province of Quebec, was in Sherbrooke on Thursday to announce $3,125,000 in financial assistance over a period of five years for the Initiative sherbrookoise en development des communautés (ISDC) an organization focused on supporting the development of communities and community-based initatives in the greater Sherbrooke area. Jean-Marc Chouinard was joined in his presentation by Sherbrooke mayor Steve Lussier, CIUSSS de L’Estrie-CHUS President and Director General Stéphane Tremblay, and Christian Provencher, Director General of the Commission scolaire de la Région-de-Sherbrooke (CSRS) all of whom represent partner groups who will help make up the other 50 per cent of the ISDC’s $7,207,500 budget for the 2020-2024 period. “Everything that you are doing is truly inspiring,” Chouinard said to the partner groups assembled for Thursday’s announcement, “Your work is the definition of prevention.” See full story in the Friday, Feb. 21 edition of The Record.