Riding to remember

By Matthew Sylvester Special to The Record


Hundreds will take to the trails on Saturday to honour Delphine Langevin, a Sherbrooke athlete who lost her life last Friday after colliding with a vehicle during her attempted 2,365 kilometre bike tour of the Gaspé peninsula.
The accident, which took place on route 132 in the town of Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine, was said to have been caused by a truck swerving into the oncoming lane to avoid hitting a breaking vehicle ahead of it. The Sûreté du Québec began an investigation regarding the collision shortly after it occurred, but there has been no indication to date of criminal intent by anyone involved.

Friends and family will pay tribute to Langevin by symbolically completing her tour together. Using the biking app Strava, which allows cyclists to count how many kilometres they travel during a trip, the group of 400 strong plans to cumulatively finish the remaining 1,448 kilometres Langevin had left to go in her planned trip when it was cut short by the accident.

See full story in July 29 Record

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