The third incarnation of the Macadam J bus, a mobile youth centre that has been active on the streets of Sherbrooke since 1996, was unveiled in the city’s Camirand Park on Thursday Morning.
“Our work is about going to people where they are,” said Andréanne Collin, a social worker with the organization that operates the bus, the Coalition Sherbrookoise pour le travail de rue. “The bus gives us a space that is safe, identifiable, and positive that is also a part of their environment.”
Collin explained that the coalition works with adolescents and adults alike to try to help with active integration into society. Having a mobile base of operations catered to the needs of young people in the area mean that the social workers of the organization can reach people who might not be able to make a trip out to some fixed, central location.
Read the full story in Friday’s Record