Geoff Agombar
Local Journalism Initiative
“I am very happy that it was a clear victory and that it was achieved with such a high voter turnout,” says newly elected mayor Martine Satre celebrating a strong win, shortly after election results were published to Danville’s website late Monday afternoon.
Just shy of 50 per cent of registered voters made their voices heard, after a tumultuous previous term marked by divided votes on council and a municipal administration which fell three years behind in finalizing annual financial statements.
Satre says that devoting time and energy to ambitious hopes for her community were key motivators in joining the race. Nonetheless, tackling the issues of delayed financial reporting and improving the atmosphere at town hall were key drivers too. “This was all known. What was unknown was that there had been a request to be put under trusteeship. That I only learned around the time of advance voting.”
“The priority will be to have enough staff in place to maintain roads and other services through the winter while the 2022 budget is developed,” Satre says. “Then, next year when we have the financial statements from the previous three years, we will be in a position to work more globally to prepare the future.”