The seventh annual, ecumenical “Service of Hope and Inspiration” will be held at 10:00 a.m.on Sunday, May 6th, 2018 at Lennoxville United Church. The service was started as a means of introducing community members to the “Hope Bags” the United Church Women make and fill with useful items for those undergoing treatment for cancer and other diseases. Subsequent years found the service welcoming more and more participants wishing to honour a family member or friend by purchasing a single long-stemmed rose, pink “In memory of,” or yellow for survivors. During the service these roses are placed in a communal Vase of Hope, symbolizing the joining together of our community in support of those who have lost family and friends to cancer and of those living with the disease. The roses are sold for $5. Participants may also purchase a bud vase for $7 and these will be used to decorate the sanctuary during the service on May 6th and, as is the case with the single roses, they may be taken home with their donors after the service. .Proceeds from the sale of roses will be shared between La Maison Aube Lumière and Leucan’s Shaved Head Campaign in the Townships. If commemorating a loved one in this manner would bring peace, hope, and comfort to you, please place your order by calling Frankie Noble at 819-842-1035. All messages will be returned. We look forward to welcoming you – with or without a rose – to a service that will inspire and comfort as you make your way along your cancer journey. Hope Bags are available to be given to anyone undergoing treatments, at no cost to the donor. If you know someone who would benefit from receiving one of these bags just drop in to Lennoxville United and ask for one.
Service of hope and inspiration at Lennoxville United Church
By Staff Writer