Sexual assault victims need better support network, report says

By Marianne Lassonde, Special to The Record
Sexual assault victims need better support network, report says

A 15-chapter report drafted by a committee of experts was published earlier this week calling for change in Quebec’s justice system and laying down 190 recommendations to better accompany sexual assault and domestic violence victims in their legal process and prevent further trauma.
To Cathie Sombret, general coordinator of the women’s shelter Maison Horizon Pour Elle in Cowansville, it is a “beautiful display of solidarity” and huge step in the right direction.
“It will bring women confidence to see that there are new measures put in place,” said Sombret.
Navigating the legal system has always been difficult for cases of sexual assault and domestic violence – which is why many go unreported. In 2015, the Department of Justice revealed 33 per cent of victims do not report their sexual assault and one in five believed police would not help them.

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