Sherbrooke bus system looking for input

Sherbrooke bus system looking for input
(Photo : Record Archives)

Record Staff

The Société de transport de Sherbrooke (STS) Sherbrooke’s public transit service, will be holding a virtual public consultation on possible revisions to its services on Wednesday, April 21, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
According to the STS, the meeting is a part of a process that was initiated because the company’s service standards manual has not been reviewed for ten years
“Customers are the first to be affected by all of these changes, and that is why we are consulting them throughout this major transformation process,” explained Marc Denault, President of the STS.
In the lead-up to the consultation, citizens can comment or ask questions using an online form available on the company’s website at (in French only).
The STS also carried out a survey last fall that was answered by more than 1,000 people and served as a first step in the consultation process.

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