Sherbrooke group offering new moving service… for trees

Sherbrooke group offering new moving service… for trees
Sylvain Mathieu, Executive Director of the Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec (APCHQ) with Éric Fortier, President of the APCHQ; Nicole Comtois, administrator of the Foret qui Marche project and originator of the idea; Denis Custeau, President of the Groupe Custeau; Steve Lussier, Mayor of Sherbrooke, and Karine Godbout, President of the city’s environment committee (Photo : Gordon Lambie)

By Gordon Lambie

Sherbrooke citizens, representatives of the construction industry, and members of Sherbrooke’s city council came together on a vacant lot in Rock Forest on Wednesday to help publicly launch “La forêt qui marche,” a new non-profit organization whose mission is to find new homes for the native plant species located on properties scheduled for development.
The idea behind “La forêt qui marche,” comes from a 2013 master’s thesis in environmental studies by Nicole Comtois
“It’s a dream come true,” Comtois said, sharing that she was surprised and pleased to find that the concept she had outlined years ago was picked up off the shelf and adopted by the local chapter of the APCHQ when that group was approached by Sherbrooke Mayor Steve Lussier about finding more ways to build sustainable development into projects in the region.
“Developers have no choice, in carrying out their projects, but to engage in deforestation,” Comtois said. “The goal of ‘La forêt qui marche,’ is to save as many of those plants as possible while also building awareness and understanding of the value of indigenous flora.”
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