Sherbrooke police present new signs warning drivers to slow down

By Gordon Lambie
Sherbrooke police present new signs warning drivers to slow down

The City of Sherbrooke implemented a new but familiar security measure on Tuesday in a bid to help keep its workers and local drivers safe. Similar to the signage visible on provincial highways, drivers in the greater Sherbrooke area can expect to start seeing signs branded with the insignia of the Sherbrooke Police (SPS) warning of doubled fines in construction zones. “If you see the sign, it means we’re present,” said Lieutenant Yves Rancourt of the SPS, adding that “people need to be informed.” Rancourt explained that the police, working with the city, noticed that the technique of reminding people that fines are doubled in construction zones was one that is not much used within the city, whereas it has proven very effective on Ministry of Transport worksites. See full story in the Wednesday, May 23rd edition of The Record.

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