Sherbrooke rallies for Èva: Adapted home soon to ­become a reality

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Sherbrooke rallies for Èva: Adapted  home soon to ­become a reality
Jean-François Nadeau and Catherine Roy posed with their daughter Èva in September, ­unsuspecting of the incredible support the Sherbrooke community would soon show them. (Photo : Emilie Hackett)

By Emilie Hackett, Special to the Record – The Nadeau-Roy family has come a long way since the launch of the Une Maison pour Èva campaign, inaugurated in September 2018 by France Champagne, a friend of the family. So far, over $175,000 has been put towards the project, which aims to provide the family with a home adapted for their little Èva’s special needs. At the age of three months, Èva was diagnosed with a rare disease: the spontaneous genetic mutation of gene CDKL-5. Èva will live her entire life with hypotonia (low muscle tone), daily epileptic seizures that resist medication, a severe intellectual disability and a lack of fine motor skills. Èva will most likely never walk or eat on her own. See full story in the Friday, Dec. 28 edition of The Record.



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