Sherbrooke swing sets closed following injury

Sherbrooke swing sets closed following injury

By Jack Wilson


The City of Sherbrooke removed swings from five parks after a pole fell and struck a woman’s head July 16. The incident resulted in two wounds, said Sherbrooke deputy mayor Danielle Berthold, but the woman returned from the hospital the same day as her injury.

A July 27 statement from the City of Sherbrooke said it was temporarily closing 44 swing sets in 37 municipal parks to perform inspections on each of them. The statement also said the city won’t offer further comment on the operation.

Berthold said the five disassembled swing sets originate from the same manufacturer, though declined to name the company. The city installed them in 2018. “With the help of the manufacturer and the city, we’ll perform analyses,” Berthold said. “Once the analyses are done, if there isn’t any danger, the sets will become accessible to children again.”

Sherbrooke residents “can have confidence in the safety of park structures,” Berthold said. “We perform regular inspections.” This is the first such incident she’s aware of, she added.

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