About a month into the ski season, Townships-based ski resorts have stayed open despite the provincial lockdown instituted in early January. It has been a relative success for all of them so far, with no resorts having to shut down yet and no reported outbreaks.
Four major resorts lie within the Estrie region. Ski Bromont, Mont Sutton, Owl’s head, and Mont Orford. The city of Sherbrooke also operates a small alpine ski hill at Mont Bellevue in the middle of the city.
These resorts are as important as ever to the mental and physical health of Townshippers. With gyms and fitness centres closed, ski resorts remain one of the last options available in terms of open businesses in the physical activity sector.
Ski resorts are actually gaining brand new customers this season. Stephanie Edwards is a Lennoxville resident and says the lockdown is a huge reason why she and her roommates are embarking on their first ever ski season here.
Ski resorts stay open during lockdown
By David Rossiter, Special to The Record