Slow pitch ball tournament to benefit the Rose des Vents

Slow pitch ball tournament to benefit the Rose des Vents

Record Staff


Passionate slow pitch players, Les Taverniers, held a press conference this week to announce the first edition of the 1 lancer slow pitch ball tournament, which will be held June 9-11 to raise money for  Rose des Vents, an organization in Sherbrooke that supports adults dealing with a cancer diagnosis and their loved ones.

The announcement took place at La Taverne Alexandre.

The Taverniers, a group of friends who enjoy a good ball game, decided to organize the upcoming tournament. Playing together for several years now for the Taverne Alexandre, the group has a soft spot for local non-profits that help the community. In fact, the coach of the Taverniers ball team, Yvon Lacroix, has been organizing fundraisers for the Children’s Wish Foundation for almost 20 years. All the players on the team, including Lacroix, have volunteered their time for the event.

The Taverniers have chosen to donate the profits of the upcoming tournament to the Rose des Vents. The organization was chosen because the sister of one of the players is a cancer survivor and is now the executive director.

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