Snow accumulation could pose safety concerns

Snow accumulation could  pose safety concerns
(Photo : Matthew McCully)

By Matthew McCully – According to Memphremagog East Fire Services Battalion Chief Chris Goodsell, there are a number of safety issues to consider after a large snowfall. While the roofs of most homes are built to factor in the weight of snow, scraping off the buildup is never a bad idea. With the dramatic fluctuations in temperature happening recently, Goodsell said rain on top of snow would make the load considerably heavier.
The Régie du bâtiment du Québec lists the following signs on its website to watch for after a major snowfall:
•Cracks appearing on interior walls.
•Interior doors jamming or rubbing against the frame.
•Conspicuous creaking noises.
•Deformation or buckling of a ceiling.

See full story in the Thursday, Jan. 24 edition of The Record.

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