Five of the six members of the public who attended Monday’s Stanstead town council meeting expressed gratitude to the council for installing new gates on the bike trail. The other was dismayed because he now has to get off his bike to go through the gates. The town installed two gates that open only wide enough for bicycles to go through. It’s impossible to get dirt bikes and ATVs through the opening. One gate is at the trail head off Passenger Street in Rock Island. The other is on the trail in Beebe, just below the curve formerly known as Hub Cap Corner on Canusa.
“We’ve been looking for a solution for a long time,” Mayor Philippe Dutil said in an interview in his office Tuesday. He said residents near the trail have complained about noise from the motorized vehicles and people who bike or walk on the path were worried about safety. See full story in the Thursday, Oct. 10 edition of The Record.
Stanstead installs gates on bike path to keep ATVs, motorcycles off
By Steve Blake, Special to The Record