Stanstead Township to appeal a court ruling favouring a local property owner

Stanstead Township to appeal a court ruling favouring a local property owner

In a judgment rendered on March 13, Superior Court Judge Sylvain Provencher ruled in favour of real estate development company 9270-5912 QUÉBEC INC (Domaine Memphrémagog sur le lac) in a case against Stanstead Township. The developer took action against the municipality for having refused to authorise the construction of a pathway built on stilts along Lake Memphremagog in Fitch Bay. The path, measuring 1870 linear feet, was built before any authorisation had been granted. The municipality is appealing the decision. The property, a 122-acre lot, was purchased by the real estate company in December of 2012. Because access to a portion of the lakefront property flooded at certain times of year and was extremely humid and difficult to walk on, it was determined by the owner that a path on stilts needed to be built to access the lake. The owner then approached the Stanstead Township Municipal inspector to apply for the proper permits for construction of the path, but was told that the project required the approval of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight against Climate Change (MDDELCC). In February of 2013, the property owner filed the application, but in the months following began construction without having received the proper authorisation. See full story in the Friday, April 20th edition of The Record.

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