Statement from Ministry of Transportation on trees near Compton Cemetery

Statement from Ministry of Transportation on trees near Compton Cemetery

By William Crooks


On Sept. 22, The Record published an article detailing Compton Cemetery Secretary-Treasurer Mahlon Grapes’ concerns about road construction near the cemetery involving the potential loss of a row of mature maples. The Record put in a call to the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité Durable (MTMD) Sept. 21 and received a statement over email Sept. 22 from Jeanne Séguin-Laflamme, Communications Advisor and Spokesperson for the MTMD.

Séguin-Laflamme said she read the article attentively and wanted readers to be informed that the concerns of residents regarding a road project, in this case the citizens of Compton, are being taken into consideration by the Ministry teams working to minimize the impact of this project on the environment and the community.

She went on the say that as announced in the 2023-2025 investments, work is planned to correct the profile of Route 147, starting from Route 208, over 2.2 km to the south. This section currently has a topography consisting of a series of valleys that require special signage (65 km/h). Due to the industrial development of the area and the increased traffic on this section of Route 147, where an average of 8,000 vehicles per day, including 9 per cent trucks, travel, the smoothing of the roadway will improve the profile to enhance visibility distances as well as the sense of safety for road users and residents. The work will also widen the roadway.

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