Popular modern-day yoga is probably better described as a physical activity than a sport, but it is hard to deny that it has become well-known part of the fitness world. Although the origins of the practice date back centuries and are rooted in Hindu spirituality, it is now possible to find yoga studios and workshops for people of all ages almost anywhere you look in North America, and new versions and adaptations of the ancient and sacred practice seem to pop up all the time. Take goat yoga, for example; a combination of the meditative poses of yoga, and the desire of baby goats to climb on things that are near them on the ground. The unusual activity is advertised by the Domaine Quinchien farm in Vaudreuil-Dorion, where goat yoga has been practiced for several years now, as “a most unique experience,” but according to Veronica Béland of the Verger Champêtre – gîte et compagnie, on the west side of Granby, the activity is meant to be more than just a silly gimmick. See full story in the Friday, June 14 edition of The Record.