Monday the provincial government presented its offer to the Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS), specific to employees in the English education sector, for the collective agreement, up for renewal in March 2020. “We are very disappointed,” explained Alain Gingras, negotiating representative for the FPSS.
The FPSS, affiliated with the Centrale des syndicats du Quebec (CSQ), represents administrative, technical and manual staff in the education sector. “It’s not an offer, really. They are demands,” Gingras explained, describing the proposal as vague and incomplete. “We have a pretty good idea what is coming up,” Gingras said, explaining that the proposal alludes to revising (or as Gingras said, reducing and retracting) rights that employees already have. Gingras used the example of salary insurance for support staff. Where previously an employee was entitled to 80 per cent for the first year of sick leave, salary indemnities is among the issues up for revision in the offer presented yesterday. “Will they upgrade? Or reduce? At which point?” Gingras asked, explaining that the details are not included in the government proposal. See full story in the Tuesday, Dec. 17 edition of The Record.
Support staff disappointed with collective agreement offer
By Matthew McCully