Testing ­services soon by ­appointment at ­local health ­centres

Record Staff

The CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS is working to set up an online appointment scheduling service for blood work and testing in its centres. The physical distance rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic limit the number of seats in the waiting rooms of testing centres.
An appointment scheduling service for blood, urine or stool samples will therefore eliminate waiting time outside in sometimes difficult conditions, even with the addition of benches and the distribution of bottled water on hot days.
Make an appointment online or by phone. The Internet platform will be similar to the one used at the annual influenza vaccination clinic. Under the same model, people who have difficulty using the computer platform will be able to obtain support over the phone.
“The operating procedures will be announced shortly, but in the meantime, we are asking people whose tests are not urgent to wait for the service to be deployed in the coming weeks before coming and, above all, to avoid coming on very hot or rainy days,” explained André Lortie, Director of Multidisciplinary Services at the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS. The deployment of the new scheduling service had already been planned, but the COVID-19 pandemic has led the institution to move ahead of schedule with this project.

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