Alexandra Cote Lahue gets up at 3 a.m. on weekdays and makes her way to North Hatley to work on the Scowen and Wardman trails. “It’s not an easy task, but it’s a great learning experience,” said the Bishop’s University student of her unconventional student summer job as a trail builder. On any given workday, she and five other employees will hike five to 12 kilometres to build bridges, platforms, and maintain the trails for the general population to enjoy.
“I first heard of the job through an email by the Massawippi Conservation Trust that was sent to the Bishop’s student body,” she explained. “We are three students from Bishop’s and two from Champlain College working on the trails for the summer. Our supervisor and directors will work all summer long and also go as far as they can into the fall to work on the trails, building elevated structures such as boardwalks and bridges.”
See the full story in the Friday, August 9 edition of The Record