The butt stops here

Record Staff

Volunteers from the group Sherbrooke en transition (SET) headed to the CHUS Fleurimont Monday as part of the initiative, Operation Zero Butts. The goal of the operation was threefold: to make smokers aware of the importance of not tossing their cigarette butts, to divert hundreds of cigarette butts from the environment, and to recover them and send them to Toronto-based company Terracycle where the ash and tobacco are composted, and remaining material is melted into hard plastic and remolded into industrial products. “Studies have shown that a single cigarette butt can contaminate 500 litres of water. In the snow, we talk about one cubic metre of contamination. All the toxic agents released end up in our soils and waterways,” explained Karyne Blanchette, SET member and co-organizer of the ‘Operation Zero Butts’ event. See full story in the Tuesday, Nov. 5 edition of The Record.

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