Moulton Hill resident Don Maxwell returned to Lennoxville’s borough council on Tuesday evening to ask why, after having presented the concerns of local residents to the city council in full last November, the speeding issue on Moulton Hill road has not been addressed.
“You know why I’m here,” Maxwell began. “Last November I went down to City Council and they said that there would be some flexible bollards put in. There was one, for about a week, then that disappeared.”
The cause that Maxwell champions is one that goes back years. The Lennoxville resident presented a petition to the Borough and then the City in the fall of 2012 and has returned several times since then to reiterate the concerns the people living along Moulton Hill have with regard to the speed and volume of traffic along the street. On his visit to City Hall in November of 2015, Maxwell said that he was given the impression by City Councillor and Public Safety Committee President Marc Denault that a “serious and full-hearted response,” to the issue would be made.
Instead, the Moulton Hill resident said that he has seen the road resurfaced, making it more appealing to speeding drivers, and gotten a less than “full throttle” response in terms of measures to slow drivers down.
Read the full story in Thursday’s Record.