For several years the Township Grandmothers have organized a plant sale to raise money for the Stephen Lewis Foundation, which supports African grandmothers looking after children orphaned by HIV-Aids, and now COVID-19. It has been very successful for them, usually raising over a thousand dollars. Usually the sale has been held in Knowlton across the street from the huge Lions Club Garage Sale. This year, because of restrictions in regards to COVID-19, the Lions Club will not be having their sale.
The Township Grandmothers’ Plant Sale will now be at the Sutton Saturday Market on Curley Street near the Legion. Flowers and other decorative plants, as well as vegetables, will be available. The sale will start on June 6, and will continue each Saturday as long as there are plants.
Township Grandmothers’ plant sale is on at the Sutton Saturday Market
By Louise Smith