Townships history tidbits

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Townships history tidbits
(Photo : Record Archives)

By Taylor McClure, Special to The Record – Rector of the Lennoxville parish, Lucius Doolittle, would oversee the construction of the St-George’s Church between 1845 and 1846. It was made from brick and it replaced the former St-James Church, which was made of wood, as it had too many repairs. The Church would be declared sacred in 1847 and would come to play a vital role in the Lennoxville community. Through our process of digitizing our photographs, we came across this photo of the St-George’s Church experiencing a fire that is believed to have taken place in 1978. Do any of our readers have any recollection of this fire? If so, share your story or any information that you have about this fire with us at  Published in the Monday, May 6 edition of The Record.

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