Two heroes honored in Saint-Denis-de-Brompton for life-saving acts

Two heroes honored in Saint-Denis-de-Brompton for life-saving acts

Record Staff


In conjunction with the global observance of World Day for Heart Resuscitation, the municipality of Saint-Denis-de-Brompton celebrated the quick thinking and civic duty of two local individuals Oct. 16.

At the Brasserie Lac Brompton, Ms. Alyson Ménard was presented a certificate of recognition by Mayor Daniel Veilleux. The young waitress, currently a student in emergency pre-hospital care, promptly used an automated external defibrillator (AED) to save the life of a diner who collapsed on July 6. The mayor lauded her actions, stating, “Ménard’s swift response showcases the impactful combination of CPR and AED, which can heighten survival rates to as much as 75%.”

Later in the day, another commendation was given at the Jardin-des-Lacs school to Mr. Dave Morin, a physical education teacher. Notably, Morin, who has been instrumental in spearheading the “Héros en 30” first aid training program for students, became a hero himself. On May 10, he resuscitated his neighbor who suddenly collapsed in their adjoining yard. His students at the event, many of whom he had trained in first aid, gave him a rousing round of applause. Mayor Veilleux commented, “It’s truly inspiring to witness the young showcasing their immense pride in their educator.”

In light of these incidents and the evident importance of AEDs, Mayor Veilleux announced that the municipality, in collaboration with the ARCUV committee, is strategizing to bolster survival chances. Plans are afoot to install more AEDs in key locations by 2024. The mayor took the opportunity to remind the public of the current availability of these life-saving tools at locations such as the local arena and ATM.

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