Walk to support parents of premature babies raises $40,000

By Gordon Lambie
Walk to support parents of premature  babies raises $40,000
A small group marched around Sherbrooke's lac des Nations on Saturday morning to raise awareness of the issues of babies born prematurely and their families. (Photo : Gordon Lambie)

A special walk was held on Saturday morning at Sherbrooke’s Jacques-Cartier Park to mark the Journée Québécoise pour les enfants prématurés, the day set aside by the National Assembly to recognize and raise awareness about the issues facing the parents and families of babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy. The walk, which was held simultaneously in Saguenay, Longueuil, Quebec City, Rimouski, Rouyn-Noranda and Sherbrooke, is also a fundraiser for Préma-Québec, an organization that works to support parents of premature babies across the province. See full story in the Monday, September 11 edition of The Record.

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