Well-known Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget viewed play as integral to the development of intelligence in children. His theory of play argues that as the child matures, their environment and play should encourage further cognitive and language development.
What could possibly be better than learning through play? The preschool and cycle one students at Waterloo Elementary School have the opportunity to do so every single morning. With the help of community volunteers, and creative teachers, they play various educational games to perfect their knowledge of the Alphabet Principal and literacy. While the JIPP program allows students to learn at their own rate, it also ensures no one is left behind. Most centres are created by dedicated teachers, and they have spent countless hours working towards their students’ success. Each child has the opportunity to work at three different centres per day. These centres not only focus on academic learning, but also encourage students to work on their social and cognitive development. These teachers have noticed a huge difference in their students’ learning progress, and are avid supporters of this program. In fact, they have seen record breaking reading levels in some of their students. What an amazing way to learn, and to show children that learning does not always involve a pencil and paper. It can include blocks, popsicle sticks, slime, and swimming in the ocean.