Waterloo Elementary working with “Secret Stories”

Submitted by WES
Waterloo Elementary working with “Secret Stories”

Reading can be very challenging for emergent readers. There are so many rules to know. Instead of following more rules – let’s be honest kids can tire of rules, we have been learning Secret Stories. Secret Stories is a program designed by Katie Garner that is “hacking the brain’s backdoor,” and is a neuroscience-based approach to reading instruction. Kids learn memorable stories that help them remember and recall the tricky letter combinations that fill our English language. Shouldn’t c – say, “cu” as in cookie?! Not when he is with the letter h! As Katie Garner teaches us, when C and H are together they love to ride the train down the track, chugging along as they go – “CH-CH-CH-CH!”

The students in Ms. Fun’s Grade 2 class were given the task to introduce a set of new Secret Stories. Groups of students were each assigned a Secret Story and worked on creating a poster and a skit to introduce the stories to their classmates. Students were encouraged to work as a team and have fun conveying the memorable stories. Some were cool dudes as they present “ey” and “ay” and others found themselves stealing a superhero’s cape!

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