Last week, the Centre d’action bénévole (CAB) aux 4 vents in Waterloo made an unfortunate announcement, sharing they will have to shut down the VÉGÉ-GO, a community vegetable fridge, for the remainder of the summer due to aggressive customers and harassment.
The fridge has been around for five years now. However, according to CAB’s Food Service Coordinator Marie-Hélène Tellier, it has slowly turned into a source of frustration for volunteers and users. People have become more aggressive, she explained, and they expect a full fridge.
“It’s the way they behave, the way they speak, and we tried for a month to explain that we give what we receive and we don’t have control over what is given to us, so if we don’t receive things, we cannot give things,” said Tellier, adding people constantly demand more food.
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Waterloo’s community fridge temporarily shut down
By Michael Boriero