By Emilie Hackett, Special to the Record – With a leap year-like recurrence, heavy precipitation and rapid snowmelt have caused the St. Francis and Massawippi rivers to overflow, keeping the Townships on its toes. The City of Sherbrooke was in “Flood Alert” phase as of 4 p.m. on Monday, April 15, as the probe located on the Aylmer Bridge on King Street recorded a water level of 18 feet. The “Flood Mobilisation” phase follows at 19 feet, and the City’s communications department expected the river to reach that level by Monday evening. The river’s water level was recorded at 15 feet around 7 a.m. Monday morning, but the continuous precipitation and warm weather resulted in a fast rise. Less than 12 hours later, the St. Francis River had gone up three feet. See full story in the Tuesday, April 16 edition of The Record.