There are six candidates running in the provincial election on Oct. 3 in the riding of Megantic.
Mathieu Chenard, for the Conservative party of Quebec, André Duncan, Parti québécois, Eloïse Gagné for the Quebec Liberal Party, André Giguère for Parti 51 and Québec solidaire’s Marilyn Ouellet are running against Coalition avenir Québec incumbent François Jacques, who won the last election with 47.53 per cent of the vote. The Liberals came second with 19.84 per cent, followed by Québéc solidaire at 15.96 per cent of the vote.
Parti québécois candidate André Duncan hated politics as a child, watching his parents’ involvement with the PQ and Bloc Québécois. But he became a father in 2020 and everything changed. “I understand my mission; to make a better world for my daughter,” he said.
Duncan, a business owner with experience in the hospitality industry, believes the province would be in better hands with the PQ as official opposition.
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Who’s running in Megantic
By Matthew McCully, Local Journalism Initiative