To celebrate the arrival of the new year, the women’s shelter Horizon Pour Elle is asking people to walk the streets of Cowansville with them. It is part of their fundraiser campaign to build a shed in their backyard for pets..
Cathie Sombret, general coordinator of Horizon Pour Elle, said the weekly “Je Marche Pour Elle” initiative began on Nov. 25 and encourages women to leave their abusers and seek shelter with their furry companions.
“We often meet women with pets,” said Sombret. “And they don’t want to leave their pets with (their abuser) so they don’t want to seek shelter.”
Every Wednesday since it began, people have gathered at the Avignon Park at 1 p.m. to walk through the streets of Cowansville collecting donations and raising awareness.
Each donation goes towards building a heated shed near the shelter for the residents’ pets. The fundraising campaign has a goal of $30,000 but currently sits at less than $10,000.
Women’s shelter walking for furry friends
By Marianne Lassonde, Special to The Record