Victoria Masonic Lodge No. 16 donates to Moisson Estrie

Victoria Masonic Lodge No. 16 donates to Moisson Estrie

By Matthew McCully


After hearing about growing food insecurity in the region due to high prices, the Victoria Masonic Lodge No. 16 decided to take action. On Thursday morning, members from the Lodge delivered a cheque for $2,750 to Moisson Estrie Executive Director Christian Bibeau.

Grateful for the donation, following the cheque presentation, Bibeau offered the masons a tour of the facility.

“The whole tour was very impressive,” commented William Lyon, treasurer for Victoria Masonic Lodge. During the tour, Lyon said he learned that every dollar donated to Moisson Estrie translates to $13.50 worth of value.

“They serve 150 meals a day, five days a week, as well as takeout,” Lyon added.

“It is very well-organized,” he said, pointing to the 27 full-time employees and 30 volunteers keeping the organization running smoothly.

While Lyon looks forward to doing more benevolent work through the Masonic Lodge, he mentioned they are looking for members.

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