Committed to preserving the health and quality of Lake Massawippi, the Régie du Parc régional Massawippi has launched an awareness campaign for boaters and fishermen under the theme “Mussels should be on a plate, not in our lake.” For the Régie, which unites the five municipalities bordering the lake, considered by many to be among the most beautiful in Québec, boat owners must be made aware of the obligation to wash their boats at one of the stations at either end of the lake prior to launching them.
Zebra mussels and their larvae, veliger mussels, were first detected in the northeast corner of the lake in the fall of 2021, provoking an immediate response by many. Hélène Daneau, President of the Régie du Parc régional Massawippi, described the situation in a recent press release. “In our fight to stop the propagation of invasive species, the Régie works hand in hand with all of its partners, who include Bleu Massawippi, the Conseil régional de l’environnement de l’Estrie; the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs; Fisheries and Oceans Canada, COGESAF and the MRC de Memphrémagog. Our solidarity on the matter is clear: preserving the health and quality of our lake is a vital collective priority. And in that spirit, we ask for the involvement of everyone to help us preserve this unique and precious resource.”
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