Bury council, citizens debate $29,000 marquee roof contract
By William Crooks
Local Journalism Initiative
In a lively town council meeting held on June 3, Bury council members and attendees delved into the details on the proposed contract for constructing a roof over the marquee in the Memorial Park.
The council had solicited quotes for the project, receiving an estimate of $29,000 plus taxes. This figure became the center of attention, drawing numerous questions from council members and attendees alike.
“Why is the cost so high?” one citizen asked, echoing a sentiment that many seemed to share. Another member followed with, “Have we explored all possible suppliers to ensure we are getting the best deal?”
The source of funding for the project was identified as a reserved fund, initially intended for development valorism and other accumulated funds. This funding decision was met with a range of inquiries.
One attendee questioned the prudence of such an expenditure, stating, “We need to be more prudent with our expenditures. Just because we have reserved funds doesn’t mean we should spend them without careful consideration.”
Transparency and due diligence were recurrent themes throughout the discussion. Residents expressed a desire for more information about the decision-making process.