Sherbrooke auditor general reports low compliance with recommendations

Sherbrooke auditor general reports low compliance with recommendations

By Jack Wilson


Yves Denis, Sherbrooke’s auditor general, submitted his annual report last week, which found that municipal departments applied just 57 per cent of the auditor general recommendations made since 2011. Denis also described a lack of knowledge among city staff of the auditor general’s role and called for more resources for his office.

“If we make a recommendation, it’s because we perceive a significant added value,” in following it, Denis said. The recommendation might seek to improve costs, quality of service or compliance with the law, he said.

“Nobody had created a global picture of the application of past auditor general recommendations,” Denis said. He set out to do that, documenting the progress of the 380 recommendations made since 2011. While many recommendations, including from audits into power demand management at Hydro-Sherbrooke and public swimming pools and beaches, were fully implemented, some departments have yet to implement even one recommendation.

Denis said recommendations are always developed in consultation with the service or body concerned. He said it can be frustrating when the recommendations aren’t followed. “Everyone recognized that there’s added value, but you aren’t applying it,” he said. Still, Denis said some recommendations take longer to apply than others and that many responses are in progress.

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