Sherbrooke planning for the worst, hoping for the best

By Gordon Lambie
Sherbrooke planning for the worst,  hoping for the best
(Photo : Gordon Lambie)

Looking ahead to the possibility of spring flooding under pandemic conditions, the City of Sherbrooke’s municipal civil security organization (OMSC) is advising those who live in frequent flood zones to make plans now about where to stay if displaced by rising waters. Although Stéphane Simoneau, the city’s Emergency Measures Coordinator said that Sherbrooke is very prepared to address a range of crises while respecting social distancing, he emphasized the fact that current public health restrictions would prevent the creation of the medium and long-term emergency shelters that are sometimes necessary in situations of flooding.
“If we need to house people for two to three days, there will need to be another strategy,” Simoneau said, encouraging people to make an emergency plan with friends or family now just in case.

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