Without school to occupy kids during the long summer months, day camps are often the solution to keep them entertained and out of mom and dad’s hair for a few hours each day. While many options are of the sport or outdoor adventure variety, there are camps out there suited for little ones (and not so little ones) looking to stimulate their creativity. Here are a few day camp ideas for kiddos that are more Rembrandt than Reynaldo. FOREMAN GALLERY SUMMER ART CAMP: If your child is a regular little Picasso, the Bishop’s University summer art camp is the ideal place for them. For its tenth consecutive year, the camp is ready to offer an eight-week bilingual program introducing kids aged 6 to 12 to a variety of visual art mediums. “We focus on visual and fine arts,” said Brenna Filion, who is a cultural mediation intern for the Foreman Art Gallery and will be one of the camp instructors. “We want the kids to be able to do stuff they wouldn’t be able to do at home.” See full story in the Friday, May 25th edition of The Outlet.