The question period at Tuesday night’s Lennoxville Borough council meeting began with a concern voiced by Matthieu Vinette, on behalf of a number of residents on Warren and Academy Streets, about the fact that the municipal pool in Lennoxville will be closing on August 11. Vinette said that in his recollection the pool at Centennial Park is usually open later into the summer and asked why it is that the well-loved local resource will be unavailable in what are likely to be the hottest days of the summer, after the community day camp ends but before the start of the school year. Borough Manager André Blais responded by pointing out that while Lennoxville’s pool is closing earlier than some in the city, it is far from the only one set to close on the 11th. Borough President Claude Charron, meanwhile, said that the pools have been set up to close in this way because of a workforce issue where the pools are mainly staffed by Cegep students who stop working to go back to school. See full story in the Friday, June 28 edition of The Record.