Sherbrooke Police Briefs

Record Staff

Sherbrooke Police (SPS) are advising the public that someone is stealing catalytic converters, primarily in the Rock-Forest and St-Elie sectors. No specific model of vehicle is being targeted, but a large number of complaints have been filed in recent weeks.

A 40-year-old man recently received three fines for refusing to wear a mask inside of the Dépanneur 4 saisons in Fleurimont. The fines were issued after an employee called the police.

The mother of an 11-month-old baby was fined for leaving her child unsupervised in a car. The baby was spotted by a passerby, who then called the police. The responding officers then removed the uninjured child from the unlocked car. The fine stems from the fact that it is a violation of Quebec’s highway safety code to leave a child under the age of seven unsupervised in a vehicle.

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