The town of Stanstead is polling its residents who are parents of children aged five to 12 on their plans when it comes to day camp this coming summer. In an effort to determine the needs of local parents in the challenging circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the municipality has prepared a simple online survey of three questions.
The questions being asked of residents are: 1) Do you intend to send your child or children to day camp this summer? 2) If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 1, how many children will you be registering? 3) In the case in which the Town of Stanstead decides NOT to organize a day camp this summer, do you have alternative options?
The survey is available online at
The provincial regulations governing day camps and other forms of summer camping are still in the process of being outlined, based on observations of the return to school that began this week.
Town of Stanstead looking for parental input on day camp
Record Staff